Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Andreas Vesalius

Hello everybody, My name is Andreas Vesalius , I lived from December 31, 1514 to October 15, 1564. I was a anatomist, physician and an author of one of the most significant books on human anatomy in the renaissance . I was born in Brussels Belgium to a family of physicians. In 1528 I entered the university of louvain taking arts but then switched to learning about medicine , during that  I found my interest in anatomy and I started viewing bones at the cemetary of innocents. In 1536 I was forced to leave paris due to the opening of hostilities between the Holy Roman Empire and France, then I returned to Leuven. There I completed my studies under johann winter von andernach. After that I moved to venice also in 1536 and studied at the university of padua where i recieved my doctorate in 1537. In 1543 I published 7 books I wrote on the construction of the human body called De humani corporis fabrica libri septem. On october 15, 1564 I died in Zenta Greece.